Monday, December 28, 2009

Thomas Hooker Nor'Easter

The Thomas Hooker Nor' Easter got lost in the beer grabbag for a bit. Hooker Beer manufactures this mediocre Winter Lager. It is 6%, pours with a mega head, and initially tastes like everyone's favorite of yesterday, Yuengling.

It differs from Yuengling in the following beer departments:

  • More alcohol
  • From CT, not PA
  • Malty and wintery spices, not the subtle caramel Lagery goodness
  • not a heavy drinking night kind of beer

I am sitting here and blogging and drinking, and just can't really say much more about this beer.

I guess it is just a solid beer, but not one to remember. If it was cheaper by the case, I think I would reconsider it....but on just the merits of a taste it gets a Drinkable rating and a 81/100.

Mitzvah mofo out

Sunday, December 27, 2009

where are the people of the blog?

I haven't seen Jake recently (I'll see him tomorrow) Brendan (saw him tonight) on the blog recentley. Do they drink beer anymore? And what about the phantom poster Riggy? And what about that gal Kelly from out of nowhere? I have some beers lined up for the blog, ripe for the posting. Stay tuned.
Just wondering where these peeps are hiding.
Let your voices be heard. This blog is dying a slow death.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Noel Des Geants

Seeing as it's Christmas Eve, I thought this beer would be apropo. I came upon this at the store the other day and decided I had to give it a try. This is a Belgian Ale weighing in at 8.5%. Not a bad brew, not bad at all. I have no idea the cost of a case. I only purchased a single bottle for $2.99. The label on this is nicely done. And I know you can't judge a book by the cover and all, but I have to admit I was attracted to it. This beer is brewed in the medieval castle of Irchonwelz in Ath, Belgium. That's got to count for something, right? Overall, I enjoyed the beer. It was smooth and sweet. I'd rate it a solid 7 out of ten.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

at least 5 more beers to drink...and here they are...

Fade to Black, by Left Hand Brewing Company in Longmont, Colorado

This is an ale. Like Pete the Protein shake said, probably won't like it.

Next up, Lagunitas Brown Shugga - Sweet Release 9.54% ABV Petaluma, California - another Ale, crap!

Weyerbacher's 1995-2009 FOURTEEN ALE, 11.8 % ABV....a wheat wine ale. I think I might be pouring several of these out...hope not.

Midas Touch, a handcrafted ancient ale 9%, with barley, honey, white muscat grapes & saffron\

and lastly, Southern Tier's Old Man Winter Ale, Lakewood NY

Probably will start drinking soon, why not?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hibernation Ale by The Great Divide

Another Great Divide beer, and another slight disappointment.

While this Hibernation Ale was eminently "drinkable", I just couldn't quite get into the Christmas spirit with this English-Style Old Ale.....even though it was dry hopped.

It must have been the malty richness that didn't quite do it for me. 8.1% ABV is strong though.

A rating of 74/100, and I would not buy a case of it.

Also, I would rather just stay in hibernation.

Matt the Menorah out (and now I can throw away all of these beer bottles!! lol)

Boulder Beer Company - Hazed and Infused

I keep getting older, and this beer stays the same age. Allright allright! What a great movie, and now a beer named after it. Hazed and Infused, is another dry hopped ale....which I previously notated that I tend to like. I detected a bit of caramel in the beer, and have already drank both (last week) in the case.

I would tend to favor Stone IPA over Hazed and Infused, but it is very drinkable.

It can help wash out the barf out of your mouth, in case you just sampled a Troeg's Mad Elf.

Also, my teeth felt great after drinking it, which must mean there is some hidden flouride in there.

All in all, a 85 of 100 possible drinking points.

Matt the Meatball out

The Mad Elf Ale, brewed with honey and cherries

Beer Advocate gives it a B+, I give it a Barf Plus.

Honey and cherries are just not my thing I guess, in Troegs Brewing Companies' "The Mad Elf" concoction.

I didn't even bother to finish it. The only thing of note, is the 11% alc/volume, and it's local Harrisburgian heritage. Other then that, if served at a party, I would rather drink water.

Mattdav the Mitzvite out.

Another eagerly anticipated beer.... simply by the name, Gritty McDuff's Christmas Ale

Just look at this happy ass Santa! Simply the name had me at hello. An even closer look at this gritty Santa on the label, made this beer the next most anticipated of the 12.

I am currently drinking and posting...and I am pleased with the smoothness of this Ale.

Gritty McDuff's Christmas Ale - from their own website:
Our Christmas Ale is a robust E.S.B. (Extra Special Bitter) full of holiday cheer. Christmas Ale has a lovely, dark red/amber color and a rich, full-bodied, malty taste with a slightly roasted undertone. We brew our Christmas Ale to an original gravity of 1064 (about 6.2% alcohol by volume) using only the finest English Pale and Crystal Malts, with a touch of Roasted Barley as well. A blend of Clusters, Styrian Goldings, Saaz and Yakima Goldings leaf hops round out this hearty brew. Gritty's Christmas Ale has no additives, fruits or spices.

I am not sure I would buy a whole case, but it ranks right behind Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale in terms of flava, but again, it does NOT OVERDO IT!

Drinkable. Get a sixer. Not AI though.

Matt the Mitzvah

My favorite so far....Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale!!

Not sure why the top of this bottle was cut off, but deal with it! This was one of my first beers of the 12 Holiday beers. Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale is a must drink of the holiday season. Not only is a damn good thirst quenching type beer, but it is flavorful enough (but not over the top like some others) I don't want my beers to taste like I am sucking down my Christmas tree water. While it appears from the website as they have not won an award for a while...I will rank it as very drinkable, and a 88 of 100. Matt the Mitzvah approved. Also, it is dry hopped, which my tongue seems to be favoring these days. Give it a drink. Now. Matt the Mitzvah out P.S. I would also buy a whole case of this, its that good.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I just got a case of beer, with 12 different beers.

And will be drinking and reviewing each one this month. It is going to be interesting, as there are a lot of different types and flavors....I promise Matt the Mitzvah will be back in force!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm drinking another Affligem and still loving it

cold one

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm drinking an Affligem and loving it.

cold one

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flying Dog! Snake Dog IPA and eating a moth

I swear to god, the following just happened to me, Matt the Mitzvah.

Scene: Eating with my wife Helen, and kids... Leftover slice of pepperoni pizza. Consumed.
Leftover pasta, heated up. Thoughts to self: "Better eat a salad fatty" - Organic spinach salad with bleu cheese, prepared.

Enter from scene right - Alexa's leg falls asleep, much crying and whimpering and distraction ensues. Discussion of Thanksgiving dinner shopping trips and portion amounts is occuring.
Lindsey is eating M & M's off of the table by licking them off. No beer in sight (as of yet)....just a Diet Coke.

Half of salad is now gone, half of pasta now gone.

Now be prepared for the following images if you are eating or about to eat.

This is what I see.

Seriously, I mixed this salad up a bit after putting the bleu cheese in....I may have consumed some sort of mummified moth particles. I immediately thought of alcohol, to cleanse my palate properly, and to take my mind off of ralphing.

This is when I grabbed the first beer I saw in the fridge, a recently purchased Snake Dog IPA

I rate this beer as "Very Drinkable", and it really did the trick to cleanse all moth particles from my mouth.

Not quite a Stone IPA, but pretty damn good.

More Flying Dog Ales to review in the coming weeks.

Matt the Mitzvah out

some great post recently

Just look at the names on the right under November. Good stuff.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stone IPA versus Titan IPA

I am really getting into the IPA world. God they are so good.
My one buddy Scott was always talking up Stone IPA and I finally found a case at a Chestnut Hill spot, which I will definitely be back to. I had my first Stone a couple of weeks back, and am now just finishing up the case....many assists from a PSU party about 2 weeks ago.

Also, picked up a 6 pick at the new Wegmans in Collegevile...which is very strong, as you can actually buy 6 packs and fohty's...lots of specialty craftage over there. So, I thought I would setup a friendly war between the two.

Ok, now for the results. Stone wins stone cold over Titan.

I am not quite sure why this Great Divide Brew from Denver, Colorado was destroyed so handily in this flava contest, perhaps it was the piney hop aromas or the citrus hop flavas. Or, maybe it was the rich malty sweetness? For more info, they brew a ton of beers and you can check out

Maybe the answer can be found by closely analyzing the Stone IPA. First, the gargoyle logo is very strong. It prepares you to be unprepared. Who knows what tastes should be associated with gargoyleness?

It is very hoppy with mega hoppy smells. But, it is smooth at the same time. That is the feat that many IPA's cannot accomplish. Who just wants bitter unless it tastes good? They claim to have a medium malt flavor...and Titan was rich malty sweetness.

I guess my buds want medium.

So, if you like IPA's, definitely get some Stone Cold Steve Austin IPA at your local friendly beer meister and Remember to stay away from The Titans.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Watou Tripel

Wow. Another winner from St. Bernard. Maybe better than Abt....smooth.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

St. Bernardus Wit

I enjoyed a bottle of this last nite thanks to my good friend, Jake. This is the best wheat that I have had. Smooth, cloudy, and refreshing. Just like the finer things in life. I highly recommend St. Bernardus.
Wit or Wit out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Spaten Octoberfest - Malt Liquor???

(this isn't my hand and I didn't take this picture, unlike the picture in my last review)

No! Please tell me the great German beer holiday isn't over yet! Oktoberfest apparently is for some, but not for this guy. In fact, I went into my trusted local beer store before Oktoberfest began this year and they still had a case of the world's most drank beer - Beck's Oktoberfest. A case from last year! Although my brother caved and bought it for some unknown reason, I recommend not buying Oktoberfest beer no more than 6 months past the holiday. Yes, it may seem cool to keep drinking like you were a big part of Oktoberfest, but please move on. There's plenty other fresh beers to be had. Your palette will thank you.

Oktoberfest begins in September believe it or not. I'm not going to go into the details because frankly, Google will give you a lending hand if you truly need one... on to the beer. I had visited Germany years ago and it would be a fib to say their beer isn't light years ahead of ours due partly to the purity laws or the "Rheinheitsgebot" they have set in place. Beer tastes different over in Germany than it does in the U.S. and mainly because any beer, including the one I am reviewing, is regulated. We do not drink the true German beer than they are so lucky to quench their thirst with.

Spaten Oktoberfest was one of my favorites when I visited German (I kept a running journal), along side some other beers I will get into eventually. Spaten is a trusted name in German beer and has been for centuries dating back to the 1300s. Its amazing how well it actually translates into the American world given our regulations. For instance, try even drinking Molson XXX from a local store and you won't get whacked with the same alcohol content as you would commiserating on a bar stool in Montreal (or in Niagara Falls if that helps you relate). XXX is better in Canada, which is why this is either the first you've heard of it or you don't drink it.

The color of Spaten is like that of a lager, the blue label, signifying that of a first place winner and the aroma of hops brewed in the old country are inviting from the get-go. Believe it or not, but the label actually lists this beer as "malt liquor" and if I may say so myself, I would choose this malt liquor over Colt 45, Old E and any other old partners I've had a few run-ins in years past. Served frosty, Spaten doesn't have a bite. Yet filling to drink, it goes down easy like an American light beer. This is where Germans have many popular beers by the chokehold. They can offer refreshment without tinkering with taste.

Spaten will offer no tartness or hoppy flavor - nothing but full-bodied taste from a true German beer. Even your burps will taste good.... no kidding here. It goes without saying, I'm a bit biased having tasted the true honey right from the bee's nest, but even America's regulated German beer is up to par. Refreshing, tasteful and never dulling to the taste buds. I would recommend this beer anytime although you will most likely only be drinking it in the late Fall (you forgot already? Oktoberfest!). Even so, Spaten is a well-trusted beer in Deutschland, and I would give this a strong 8.7 out of 10. An 8.7 because I liked a few beers better when I was spoiled as sin in Germany.

Oh, and when you go to Germany, just say "Ein Bier bitte" and they'll know what to do. No need to be picky, they'll just serve you the local brew which is most likely as amazing as this beer. Two thumbs up here.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Bear Black Stout

Hello all,

After that St. Bernardus post (by the way, I got to get myself some of that), I thought I'd post about a beer I've just recently been exposed to. It's called Big Bear Black Stout (killer name) and the name doesn't lie, it is a heavy stout that has a caramel-roasted aftertaste that's perfect for a cold winter night. This beer is good but like all good beers and at 8.1% alc by vol. it's a bit pricey. But, hey what the hell, sometimes it's good to enjoy a few of the finer things in life. More to come...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Right On!

I agree w/your St. Bernardus Abt post. She's something special! The other St. Bernardus are quite good as well......for special occasions.

St. Bernardus Apt 12

I went to one of my favorite niche restaurants last night - the Half Moon Saloon, in Kennett Square. I ordered this beer and an antelope burger. This place is know for its quality beer and fresh game burgers. I was blown away by this beer. Simply unbelievable. It was sweet smoothness to the core. This beer is a dark, Belgain ale. Flavors blend mystically in this 10% abv killer. The St. Bernardus Apt 12 is a heavy hitter in terms of both alcohol and taste. You would think a beer this strong would have a heavy, residual alcohol flavor, like sipping whiskey. This beer was strong, but silky smooth. I've tasted some good beer in my day. I can't rate this beer high enough. This one goes right to the top of the list. It was that good.
You've heard the saying "you get what you pay for", right? With a beer this good, this smooth and tasty, comes a high price tag. I can't remember the price off the top of my head when I was at the beer store. I paid something like 10 bucks for one bottle at the Half Moon. I want to say you need about 100 stones at the beer store for this beauty, maybe more. If you ever decide to go out and get a case of this stuff, number one you won't be sorry, but more importantly, number two don't go handing this stuff out at a party. This stuff should be reserved for a very select few. This stuff is priavte stash, private reserve quality. And if you have a safe in the house, that'd be the best place to store it.
I didn't even need to have another one of these beers for it to change my mind, to soften my tastebuds. This thing catapulted to the top by the time I was a quarter of the way through.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale

Why didn't don't snakes drink beer? Because they can't hold their alcohol....

Terrible, I know. Before I get into this beer, I'd like to briefly introduce myself before moving on. My name is Brendan, and I enjoy beer. Alot. I also write about music on my music blog I've had for over three years... (pardon the shameless plug).

Since that's all you need to know about me for now, I'll get right into my first beer review. My first beer review is a seasonal one - pumpkin ale. Does pumpkin actually mix with beer? We're about to find out...

After setting my mind on pumpkin ale, the local beer store sold me on a pumpkin ale; but not just ANY pumpkin ale. I'm talking about the first pumpkin ale known to man. The brewery that paved the road for all other pumpkin ales. I regrettably was swayed from a well-know Blue Moon version of the pumpkin ale and bought "America's Original Pumpkin Ale" from the Buffalo Bill's Brewery distributed in Orgegon, Washington and Northern California.

Let's skip a few steps and get right down to tast. BB's Pumpkin Ale is not sweet, just as pumpkins are not sweet, nor would the flavor of a pumpkin be revealed through a beer saturated with hops. The pumpkin flavor is hardly noticeable too. For a thicker, tasteful beer I would recommend this. However, if you do not like your beers flavored, although not overpowering, the ale is predominantly backed with some substantial spice!
In other words, if you're looking to get fired up, this is not the beer, but neither is Coors Light. Or if you are into the Belgian whites like I am, this may not be for you either. You won't be able to put down a 6-pack with ease, but would compliment some yams and pumpkin pie. I don't have another pumpkin ale to match this one up against, but I would have no problem recommending this as a starter. My final grade is: Tasty, although I think my grade is right in line with this review.
Check out Buffalo' Bill's website here and get tasting some more of these Western US beers!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Let's welcome our newest member

It seems we have a new contributor, but no contributions. His name is Brendan. He likes beer too. I think he's been lurking here at this well-traveled blog for a while now. I think he has a whole bunch of material saved up for our reading pleasure and is about to unload a torrent of new posts.
We're ready, Brendan, when you are.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sam Adams Octoberfest Beer Review Oct 2009

Sam Adams Octoberfest, and Octoberfest beers in general are always highly anticipated by me and my mouth in particular. What other month can you drink a beer especially designed for that month? How much of a no brainer is it order an Octoberfest type beer in October?
This one however, is a slight disappointment. I can only muster up a rating of "drinkable" for it. For those of you new to this blog, other ratings available are "very drinkable", and the rarely used "undrinkable" (see Presidente revisited!) I will definitely be trying the Stoudt's Octoberfest, as reviewed by BeerMeHaenn, an always trusted source for all things beer.
Ok, back to Sam Adams Octoberfest....
Per the website, "it is a malt lover's dream, masterfully blending together five roasts of barley to create a delicious harmony of sweet flavors including caramel and toffee. The beer is kept from being overly sweet by the elegant bitterness imparted by the German noble hops."
I agree that it is not overly sweet, however the blend of flavors seemed to be too much. There was nothing distinctive about the flavor of was almost as if they tried to hard and accomplished too little. I drank 2, and the second didn't change my opinion. Drinkable, but not enough to keep my wandering eyes (at the different beers on tap), at bay.
Happy drinking, and thanks for reading. Now, to get a pumpkin with the kids.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kennett Brewfest

I can't make it this year. Haven't made it yet, believe it or not. This is on my to-do list for next year. This festival is in my back yard, for crying in the sink.

check out who is going to be there this year: That is quite the impressive list. Rogue, Dogfish, Victory, Flying fishes and dogs, the list goes on. There are breweries nationwide coming to this festival. We have to go and do "research".

This could turn into quite a little party.

Oh yeah!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I've been really digging all the Oktoberfests out now. They're a little heavier than summer beers, a little lighter than winter brews. They seem to be a perfect seasonal transition beer. This brewery has been around since 1417! I'm sure this family recipe is hidden in some vault somewhere in Germany. I can't pronounce the name of this company, even sober. Whatever. It doesn't matter. This brewer has had all of about 600 years to get this right. They don't disappoint. It pours deep amber with about a finger width's head. It's malty and creamy tasting, finishing nicely. I'd give it a B on the report card, maybe B+ with a nice meal that compliments well. Here's a good one: have six of these beers, then try to pronounce it aloud. That too easy for you? Try saying it five-times fast. Give this beer a try before fall runs out, and with it, the Oktoberfest beers.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where's that bloger that calls himself "6 pack" at????

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beer Review - Corona!!!!

Hey, Matt the Mitzvah here!!

Thanks for the shoutouts for my sophisticated beer rating system, as well as my photo posting capabilities. I love the video work, very nice!

Now, let's talk about beer.

I finally feel well qualified to discuss this beer, after now consuming an estimated 24,007 of them (lifetime).

This equals 1000 cases, plus 7.

From the website,

The unmistakable color.

The one-of-a-kind taste.

The unparalleled flavor of relaxation.

I really like that. "flavor of relaxation"

I definitely equate many Summer memories with relaxation and a cold Corona. Drinking up life. Relaxing with a Corona. It never disappoints me. It's always there for me. I could be walking through a distributor and racking my brain trying to figure out what to get, and yet my Corona calls to me, "I am right here buddy". It is right there for me. Always. And forever.

With a lime, or without a lime. Always "very drinkable". Other beers may come and go, but my Corona is going to be there.
Mattdav the Mitzvah out

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weyerbacher "Blanche" wit beer

Another video about another fine beer. (click link!!)
this is a wit beer and is very light in color and taste. Very low in aol content probably around 5%. Taste is described as a hint of fruit and that's why i think i like it so much. I would rate it as "very drinkable"

Rogue Smoke Ale

Another good one from Rogue. I wasn't so sure about the "smoke" ale, but decided to give it a try. According to Rogue: Style: Rauchbier Food Pairing: Pork, Beef
Tasting Notes:
A German style Rauchbier with an orange-amber hue, a delicate smoke aroma and flavor, with an intense hop finish.

12 Ingredients:
Malts: Great Western Harringon, Klages, Munich & Hugh Baird Crystal, Carastan 30-37 & 13-17, Chuck’s Alderwood Smoked Munich and Smoked Bamberg Beechwood.
Hops: Saaz and Perle.
Yeast & Water: Rogue’s Pacman Yeast & Free Range CoastalWater.
14.5º PLATO
48 IBU
76 AA
20.6º Lovibond
World Class Package:
Draft, 22oz Bottle
This was a damn good beer. Not surprised at all, as the Rogue crew seems to always put out good ones. I was a little leery of the "intense hop finish", but this one went down smooth and sweet. There was a hop finish, but not strong, not intense. In fact, it was balanced perfectly. I highly recommend this beer. Really good. And they have awards out the ying-yang to back it up. Check it out:

2008 World Beer Championships—Gold
2007 Australian International Beer Awards—Bronze
2006 U.S. Beer Tasting Championships—Pacific NW Champ
2006 New Zealand Intl. Beer Awards—Silver
2008 New Zealand International Beer Awards—Bronze2007 Australian International Beer Awards—Bronze2006 U.S. Beer Tasting Championships—Pacific NW Champ2006 New Zealand International Beer Awards—Silver2006 World Beer Championships—Silver2005 International Beer Comp (London)—Gold2005 World Beer Championships—Silver2004 Festival of Barrel Aged Beer—Gold2003 Australian International Beer Awards—Silver2002 World Beer Cup—Champ2002 World Beer Championships—Silver2000 GABF—Silver2000 World Beer Cup—Bronze1999 World Beer Championships—Silver1999 North American Beer Awards—Bronze1999 Colorado State Fair—3rd1998 World Beer Cup—Gold1998 GABF—Silver1998 World Beer Championships—Silver1998 Colorado State Fair—Gold1997 GABF—Gold1997 North American Brewer’s Assoc.—Bronze1996 GABF—Gold1996 World Beer Championships—Silver1996 Colorado State Fair—Gold1995 World Beer Championships—Gold1995 Colorado State Fair—Gold1994 World Beer Championships—Silver1993 GABF—Silver1992 GABF—Silver1991 GABF—Silver1990 GABF—Gold
Holy crap! I mean, holy crap! They must have a separate facility to house all the awards. Phelps has nothing on these guys.
When you get a chance, grab yourself some of this stuff. Delicious.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Stoudt's Octoberfest

This is a really good one. Stoudt's has done it again. These guys are doing something right. They should fly down to the Dominican Republic and teach the schleps at Presidente a thing or two about making beer. Using the new model of rating beer, I would give this one a "very drinkable". It was smooth and tasty all around. Honestly, it's one of the better octoberfrests I've had. I'm looking forward to trying more of their beers.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Presidente: revisited

So, I went to the Dominican Republic and this was the only beer they served. Each day, each sip, this piss got worse and worse. I ended up shitting out my guts for 8 days after I got home. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. I don't know what was worse, the acrid piss going down, or the lasers exploding from my ass. So, why the hell did you keep drinking it if it was so bad, you ask? I was scared to death to drink any of the water, that's why. And because the damn beach cabana hombre kept bringing them to me. And because they were free. There was some nasty-ass stuff in the Dominican Republic, everything from rotting houses, to people with rotting morals who stole from me, to people who told me they were going to take me on a tour of the resort only to ditch me and my kids with no ride home. But the Presidente takes the cake. I even bought a Presidente beer-opener-refrigerator magnet-thing, and the damn thing broke the very first time I used it. Don't buy this stuff. Ever! This stuff is cursed all around. If you drink it, you'll wish instantly that you were drinking cat piss instead. If you were stuck in a desert, with no water for days, were hot as all get out, had swamp ass, and blisters on your feet and a witch appeared out of thin air and offered you either an ice-cold Presidente or warm, curdled milk, you would take the curdled milk in a heartbeat. That's how freakin' bad this stuff is. Using Matt the Mitzvah's rating system, I'd rate this one as "septic sludge". I'm pretty sure "Fear Factor" went off the air b/c they ran out of stunts that would gross people out. They never thought of the Presidente. Had they known about it, you would have seen the contestants retching in the fetal position, puking up everything including their gall bladders, and hallucinating. That would have made for some good ratings. You want terrorists to give up credible information to help us counter the Taliban? Waterboarding? Hah! That's for sissies! All you gotta do is dangle the Presidente bottle in front of them and they'll start talking and crying and wailing for their mommies. You don't even need to open the bottle. I'm pretty sure if you gave me a home brewing kit with no directions or guidance of any sort, I could somehow manage to figure out how to make something better than this sock sweat. And that's on the very first try! I realize that I'm getting all kooky here, spewing ridiculous talk all around. But that's only because I care about you. I really do. I really and truly care about all five people on this blog, and that includes Zak. I can't stress enough to you how bad this beer is. Don't buy this stuff, not even as a prank to one of your old college buddies. That is just too cruel and over the line. Shave his eyebrow? Fine. Put an old, decaying fish in his air ducts? Fine. Put naked ladies on his power point presentation for work? Fine. Just don't give him any of this crap. You'll make an enemy real quick, a frothing, conniving, vengeful enemy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello beer drinking bloggers!!

It's time I step up to the blog mike, and oh boy do I with this one!

Anyone drank a He'Brew? For the Jews out there, this is the chosen beer (see pic below)

I saw a couple of these in my Dad's fridge, god knows how they got there....and I raided it!

2 He'Brews later, I rate this beer as "not a joke" or "very drinkable".

This is on the beer scale of:
Not drinkable
Very Drinkable

I do have other beer scales as well, to be introduced at a later date.

I know I am not much of the describer of flavors and tastes, but visit

I drank the Genesis Ale:

Our First Creation
Crisp, smooth and perfectly balanced between a west coast style pale and amber ale, with a supple malt sweetness and a pronounced hop flourish.
Malts: 2-row, Caramel 40L, Dark Crystal, Munich, Wheat
Hops: Warrior, Centennial, Cascade, Fuggle, Willamette

This company gets a lot of credit for their funny ass beer names.

The Rejewvenator is a 2009 addition to their other fine beers which also include the Jewbelation, and the Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah.

According to the site, their are some PA places to buy, so I will explore my Judaism and drink some beer, then dance the havanagila.

Matt the Mitzvah

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


check out the beer yard's web site at

looks like there's allot of beer for this fall that we have to try!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Greetings! To start w/ one of my favorites - Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

Hello gentlemen, hope everyone's doing well. It's a pleasure to be a part of a blog dedicated to one of my favorite hobbies in life - drinking good beer. Today is my one day off of the week so I thought what better way to spend it than to turn on the ball game, put my feet up, and enjoy one of my favorite beers out there. So let's get to it. Samuel Smith has a variety of stouts and ales but the Oatmeal Stout is in my opinion the most enjoyable. Although it is a stout, it has more of a brown ale feel to it, going down very smooth with that Belgian hoppiness to it (although it's a product of England), with just a hint of oatmeal aftertaste. Typically, I'd put this as more of a winter beer due to it's darker appearance and somewhat heavier feel, but I could drink this beer year round. The only thing is that it usually only comes in 18-22 oz bottles with a price tag of $3 - 6 a bottle making it a bit pricey to buy more than a few. Well, this is a start to many posts (and many more beers) so gentlemen, till then...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sierra Nevada Summerfest

This is a very good lager from Sierra Nevada. The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company puts out some really good beers, so its no surprise that this one is a winner too. This beer goes down smooth. There's a crisp, clean finish with just the right amount of bitter that lingers pleasantly until your next sip.

A neighbor of mine gave me one of these at his house in the spring. This is one of his favorites. A few months later, same guy brings some Summerfest over for a happy hour at my house. It tasted good the first time. And the second.

This is one that I'll have to keep in the summer rotation. It's a great beer for hot weather.

Where's Nick?

Get Blogging, STAT! Forget about your central lines and catheters. Put 20 cc's of beer in your IV and let us know about it.

Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat

This Flying Dog is a first for me. I've seen their beers in the store for a while and always wanted to give them a try, but was afraid they were just a knock-off of the other Flying beer company. They are out of Denver, CO and Frederick, MD. Very interesting label on the beer. They have what looks like a bat on the label on the neck and a dog wagging its tongue on the main label. Also, there is a cool quote from the gonzo writer, Hunter S. Thompson: "Good people drink good beer".
Anyway, the beer is a Hefeweizen. It tastes pretty good. It has lemony tones throughout, like you would expect from a Hef. The aftertaste is only slightly bitter. Not a bad beer and at a good price. The ABV is 4.7%, which seems pretty light, but I guess it's all good considering this is a summer beer. They also list the IBU's on the bottle, 12 in this case. You don't see too many microbrews putting that number on their beers. I'd like to see more of them follow suit in that regard.
Overall, this Hef from Flying Dog was pretty decent.


We are headed to the Caribbean this weekend for a week's vacation. Dominican Republic, to be specific. I was told that our resort stocks three kinds of beer, Presidente being the best of them. This is a pilsner style beer. I'm not too familiar with Pilsners, having only tried a few in my day. But I'll tell you one thing: if this is the best beer that will be served, we are in trouble. It could be a long week of bad beer. I'm afraid to see what the other two lesser beers will be. This beer, Presidente was pretty bland and the aftertaste was something similar to shoe leather, after it had been raked through the mud, after it had stepped in wild boar piss. Instead of Presidente, with a royal sounding name, it should have been called Gringo juice. I'll be checking out some island cocktails instead.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Smuttynose Star Island Single

I picked up a sixer of this from Total Wine recently. Jake and I tried the Smuttynose IPA a while back, which didn't get great reviews. This beer, however, is a Belgian Golden Ale. I don't know that this tasted like a true Belgian, but it was a pretty good beer nonetheless. There are citrus hints throughout and it finishes dry and crisp. A case of this beer runs approximately $32, with its ABV at 5.2%. This is a decent warm weather beer that would go down well while grilling, or would hit the spot nicely after mowing the lawn.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Piraat ale

I had this one during dinner tonight and what a beer. Another one from Belgium with a punch. 10.5 acl content and you can taste it. Very, very smooth tasting and blond in color. Would definitely buy it again, not sure of the cost.

corsendonk Abbey pale ale

Another "birthday" beer we tasted during the night. Don't let the "pale ale" trick you into thinking that it's hopy, it's not at all. Very smooth with a low acl content. Would definitely buy it for the summer. Not sure of the cost, but worth it!!

cold one

La chouffe

Hi beer heads,

We recently had this beer when celebrating my 40Th birthday. It's a true Belgian beer, but with only a 8% alc content. Blond in color and a light taste. Definitely great for the summer. It say it's brewed with a spice, but we didn't notice any spice. Would buy it again.

cold one

Thursday, June 25, 2009

new member recruitment

MattDav and Jake-
We need more members so we can make this blog seem somewhat alive. What kind of incentives can we offer to entice people? How much money is in our treasury? Matt, are you willing to don a gorilla suit? Maybe we should take a bunch of people to a boxing match, get them housed on some good beer, get them rowdy, and have them sign some kind of contract or something.
If all three of us put our brains together, then we'll have at least one full brain.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weyerbacher Blanche

Another good one from the boys in Easton, PA. The Blanche is a Belgian style wit, Belgium's answer to Germany's Hefeweizan. I took a trip today with Jake to the Beer Yard in Wayne to stock up on some beer. Weyerbacher family of beers hasn't let me down yet, so I thought I'd give them another shot. For some reason, the Blanche was calling my name. The label looked cool, I guess. The guy told me to pour it with a slice of orange. No orange in the fridge, but it tasted refreshing and smooth. This was a good summer beer. I'm becoming a big fan of the Weyerbacher beers. Whoever is in charge up there in Easton is doing some good work. Next time I get this beer, I'll be sure to grab an orange.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mattdav in the house!

Yo. Mattdav in the house. I am all out of beer, but let me just say one thing. Harpoon is good. I am not sure it gets the credit it deserves.

I recently consumed a Harpoon sampler case....which had 6 Summer Beers....very summery. Smooth....sort of like a Corona-ish feel....

Also, it had 6 IPA's--which, if I had to....I could live off of for several days....without water or food.

It also had 6 Brown Ales which pretty much are filler in the case....and then the UFO Hefeweizen which I think was my 2nd favorite after the IPA.
Next time, I promise to put a little more thought into my posts, and more humor.
I need to buff up on the terms "hoppy" and "non-hoppy" and "wintery" and "summery" and all of the other assorted beer terminologies. That way, I can hang with the big dogs...
Its going to be hard for me not to just get the same case as it ended up ranking a 85%....solid B.
Mattdav out until the next case run.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sam Adams Summer Ale

Hello beer people!!

Just had Sam Adams summer Ale this fine weekend. This is a great beer with no after taste. Very smooth and NO trace of hops. I'm not sure of the cost, I would guess under $40.00. A great price for a great summer beer!!

cold one

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Post Script: Affligem

Went to the beer store today to buy a case...and to check out the price of Affligem. $40 a case! When I saw the price, I thought there was a misprint. I also thought that I better get a case fast before someone in the store realizes that they made a huge mistake and gets fired. Went to the register fully expecting the guy to say it was 80 bucks or so. All was good at checkout. $40! I spend 40 dollars for a case of beer that I think is pretty good. But, for Allfigem Blonde Ale? Steal of the century! This case will be going camping with me for sure. This beer might become a staple in my beer fridge.

A funny aside: The lady behind me asked the guy to bring a case of Icehouse or something to the register. When the guy rung up my purchase, she goes, "there must be some kind of magic in that beer!". I turned to her, said, "what do you mean?". She goes on to tell me that she could never imagine buying a 40 dollar case of beer. I told her it was pretty good stuff. She says that she could buy two cases for that price. I thought about telling her that this case probably had twice the alcohol content, or that it was at least three times as good, but thought better of it and just left it as it was. I didn't even care. I was just so excited that this beer didn't cost 80 dollars.

So, there you have it. Affligem Blonge Ale = $40. It doesn't get much better than that.

Jake, we'll be enjoying some Affligem fireside at the campsite this weekend. Oh, and since we're going to a private campground, I'll be bringing the goblets. No need to drink out of plastic cups for this beer.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pilsner Urquell

Hi to all beer lovers!

Just got done sipping a pilsner from Czech. I must say It was pretty good. A very crisp taste from a glass and I included a lime for a little extra taste! I don't know if I would buy a case, but definitely a 6 pack.

cold one

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

back at it

I'm back after a minor problem. Ready to post about good summer beers

cold one

P.S. "thanks beer me" for the help!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Widmer Hefeweizen

It's almost summer. It's time to switch gears and get into the summer stuff. I had the pleasure of tasting Widmer's Hefeweizen today while grilling. I'd never heard of this brewer before today. The Widner Bros. are out of Portland, OR. It seems like there are some good brews popping up in that part of the country lately. Must be the water out there. This Widmer Hefeweizen was pretty good. It was affordable and tasted pretty much what you would expect a decent Hef to taste like. Not bad at all. I'd do it again for a summer beer.

Affligem Blond

This beer is incredible. Time for a Cold one and I went to Total wine today to pick out some sampler beers. I was lucky enough to get this one. Unfreakinreal, this stuff. It's got the Belgian taste, like you would expect. But, it's got that extra something that you can't put your finger on that makes this beer so good. It had the Belgian blond taste plus some slight sparkle, champagne-like. It was light and refreshing and flavorful and delicious all in one bottle, all in one sip. Time for a Cold One and I were talking, wishful thinking-style, about going to Belgium on a trip to check out some of the Abbeys. Well, I think I found the spot where I'd be parked for the duration of the trip. Whoever is in charge of this brewery, whoever has been in charge since 1074AD, deserves a raise. Seriously, this stuff is quality in a bottle. I'd give it 12 out of 10 stars!

I'll get back later about how much a case of this stuff costs. I'm betting it's pretty pricey, maybe in the 80 dollar range. But, with the right company, for the right occasion...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello " beer man",

I have Alan getting the cantor to get a g mail account. He really wants to post. I will forward you the info so you can set it up. I have not really been drinking any good beer lately.

til next time
cold one

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

we need some more members

Obviously we are the only two people in the world that enjoy drinking quality beer and writing about them. There are 6 billion people on this planet. Surely we can get a few more on here to post their thoughts, right? At this point, I don't care if you recruit someone from China who doesn't speak English. We just need some more people, straight up. I'm issuing a challenge to you: this week think hard and try to recruit two people. Just two, that's it. I'll do the same on my end. Get the good Cantor. That's a start. He can even sing about beer if he's not comfortable writing about it. Whoever you come up with, just have them register a gmail account (if they don't already have one), send me the address, and they are as good as on.

Some suggestions: Shawn, any of your old work buddies, your garbage man

Sunday, March 8, 2009

La Fin Du Monde

Hello friends. Its been awhile since I have posted but I am back with a real winner of beer that I can most highly recommend. La Fin Du Monde (LFDM) is truly an exceptional buy for the money. At $60 a case this is a great deal. Let me tell you a little more about it.... My initial impression after the first sip is just a full mouthful of taste. I can only describe it as a champagne-like full body experience. The alochol content is 9% which is somewhat on the high side if you used to swiggin Yeungling Lager. As a final note, I found it interesting that this is a Canadian brewer and it is unusual for our brothers from the North to produce such a high quality beer. in conclusion I can only say, head out and buy this asap. You won't regret it!! Until next time.....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weyerbacher Merry Monks

This is a Belgian style golden ale with 9.3 ABV. Mmmmm. Wow, mmmm! Good, smooth, and tasty. There are some citrus hints in this that add nicely to the complexity. No bitter after, or during, taste. I'm not sure if Weyerbacher only puts this out during the winter holiday season, but I'd buy it in the summer, spring, fall, whenever. I'm not exactly sure of the price of this one, as it came in a sample case, but whatever the cost, it's a keeper. If I recall correctly, I think Jake (does he post here anymore, or am I just writing this for myself?) and I had this one time when we were camping. It may have been last Memorial Day. And like I said, it was good when the weather was warm, even good while our shoes were covered with mud and we were fighting off mosquitoes. Right now, I have this beer poured into an ale goblet. It looks like it should: golden-copper color, the head sitting just slightly on top around the edges, just opaque enough to see into the middle of the glass but not through to the other side. And with a name like Merry Monks, it tastes like it should too.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weyerbacher Old Heathen

I've got Jake's kids coming over for a sleepover tonight. It's a been a blustery, winter day and the wood pile is running low. There is enough, though, to make a roaring one now. And there is an imperial stout waiting, cold, in the fridge to be tasted, to be written about. I've told you already about Weyerbacher. This company from Easton, PA makes some good beers. I recently bought a mixed-case of their "big beers". This imperial stout has 8% ABV. It both smells and tastes sweet. The first sip reveals a cherry chocolate flavor. The aftertaste doesn't hang on long, lingering with only a slight bitter. Like all stouts, its dark due is evident. This is a pretty good beer, and that's saying something as I'm not much for stouts. Maybe this Weyebacher will make me rethink that stance. This is a very good, winter brew. It's got enough ummph to ward off the winter chill, enough substance and flavor to satisfy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot

First taste is sweet, malty. Then a slight bitter kicks in with the aftertaste. This is a barley-wine style ale. 11.1% abv! Yikes! I don't think I've ever had a barley-wine beer, that I can recall. And I have to say, I was a little apprehensive about trying this kind of beer. I was talking to my beer guy at Waywood Beverage and told him I wanted a sample case that had some kind of belgian style ale in it. He has gotten pretty good at knowing what I like, and pointed me toward a sample of Weyebachers. Merry Monks? Sounds good. Old Heathen Imperial Stout? Sounds good. Simcoe Double IPA? Sounds good. Blithering Idiot? Name sounds good. But Barley-wine ale? I was just about to move on to another maker, different kinds of beers, when I thought, why not? That's the purpose of the is blog, BEER!, anyway. Try new stuff, provide a little write up so the others get some kind of idea about it. I'm glad I gave this beer a chance. It's surprsingly good. There is nothing surprising at all about Weyebacher being good. I've had the Merry Monks before, and it's a quality beer. But this barley-wine style ale was a nice surprise. I'll get this one again. With its high ABV, it's a sipper, no doubt. There is a quality to this beer that is a little different that I can't quite put my finger on. But, I like it. It's a quality winter ale.

I'll give an update soon on the others in the case that I mentioned. Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gouden Carolus Tripel

This is a Belgian Blonde Ale from a Belgian brewery that's been around since 1369. That's 123 years BEFRORE Columbus "discovered" the "new" world. When I saw that date on the bottle, well, you know the stakes are high for this brewery. Even a simplteon taster like me would have stratosphere-level expectations for a brewery around long enough not to have any excuses for a perfectly crafted beer. A pretty good beer, for sure. Here's the tale of the tape: smooth and crisp, a little bubbly, more malty than hop tasting, 9% abv, cloudy-golden in color. Given the exorbitant price, I doubt I'd purchase this beer again. Unless I'm in a bar having one with dinner. Unless Jake buys me a case for my birthday. But such is the beauty of Total Wine: I only had to buy one. And while it was a good beer, certainly in the upper-echelon of beers, I don't know if I could justify getting it again when there are A) plenty of other beers to try, and B) beers that are just as good if not better for 30 bucks less.

ps: Does that beer goggles guy still write on this blog?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pranqster - Belgian Style Golden Ale

Wow! Good stuff. Really Good Stuff. This a Belgian style golden ale from North Coast Brewing Company in California. Think 75% Ommegang and 25% Golden Monkey. That's exactly what this tasted and looked like. If you could take the 75% best from the stuff in Ommegang and 25% the best stuff from the Golden Monkey, you'd have this beer. At $55 a case, it's well worth it. This is one of the best Belgian Style Ales I've had in a while. This is the stuff that you'd take to a deserted island. You know the scenario, you're stuck on an island, away from civilization for the forseeable future, you can only take one item with you. You think your favorite cd, you think your favorite food, you think your favorite tv show. Well, you'd be thinking wrong. For god's sakes, you are stuck, like a slug on a piece of dried wood on a sweltering summer day, on an island that would make the contestants from survivor shake with fear, and you're not thinking Pranqster? Like I said, you're not thinking. And I don't care if that case of Praqster you brought with you is warm. It's still good and will make the time on this desolate island, uninhabited with everything exept lizards and mosquitoes, fly by like you are floating on a raft at a pool in Marguritaville. Seriously good stuff. Ok, I've waxed ridiculous long enough.

Jake, this is your kind of beer. I have about 3/4 case left. I suggest you try to link up with me in the next little while to get your hands on one of these.

Glasses up for Praqster!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

meeting of beer lovers


Should we try to get together and sample beers in a "live setting" I'm thinking, tunes, beer and good conversation

post your thoughts please


Stoudts Triple

Hello fellow beer lovers (male, and the one female)

I'm sipping on a fresh case of "Stoudts Triple." I've been out of beer for a while and bought a case tonight. This is my 3rd case of this this beer over a 3year period and it tastes just as good this time around. It's a heavy hitter with a content of 9.0 definitely a sipper by the fire. I would rate it as a 9, on a scale of 1-10. Taste would compare to Victory's "golden monkey", but a little darker in color. Definitely worth buying a case!! Time for another log.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Jake and I tried this beer once when we were camping. I recently bought a six-pack for some relatives that came over. I just went into the garage to check on my beer supply, and surprise, there was one Dead Guy mixed in with the Coors Light and Rolling Rocks! I decided to log in to BEER! and post while I sipped. If I had a bar in my basement (someday, maybe), I'd have this beer proudly displayed on the shelf with Ommegang for all to see. It's a Maibock (sp?) ale, copper in color, smooth, sweet malty finish, and is pretty friggin' good. I think it runs about 40 bucks per case, and every one of those 4,000 pennies is well spent. This beer goes perfectly on a camping trip, while cooking in your kitchen, while sitting watching tv, while reading a good book, while mowing the lawn, while staring at the wall watching paint dry. Anytime, anywhere.

Rogue is an Oregan brewery and they have quite a long list of beers, but I've only seen a handful around these parts. Maybe on my beer tour of the US I'll take a few extra days in Oregon sampling all the Rogue beers.

Dead Guy Ale comes highly recommended. 8.9 stars out of ten.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Old Peculier and Hobgoblin

Had both of these beers tonight. Theakston makes the Old Peculier, which is a yorkshire ale, whatever that means. Hobgoblin is a dark English ale made by the Wychwood Brewery. Despite the color differences of these two beers, they were similar in taste. Old Peculier had a dark amber hue, while Hobgoblin had a dark chocolate color. If you know Bass Ale, you can appreciate what these beers tasted like. They were a little more robust than Bass, packing a more flavorful punch with a slight bitter aftertaste. I have no idea how much they cost as I bought a bunch of six packs from Total Wine, but they were decent enough to enjoy on a blustery day. I'd give them 6.5 stars out of ten. I'd have them again gladly, but they probably wouldn't be my top pick.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Get together?

Here's an idea.....after a few brews. Enough of this virtual bout a beer club that meets every 2 mos or so for a beer tasting. Location TBD. Long live the monks!


Victory Saison is awesome! TFACO bought a Pint of Victory Saison. Very refreshing. But a BIG bottle. As the bottle says an "Earthly Delight"!

Belgim meets the Jersey Shore

"Time for a cold one (TFACO)" and Beer Goggles are on a road trip.....working hard.....doing some research on our favorite belgium ales. So far......we havc had SB Watou Tripel and SB Pater 6. Watou was outstanding says Goggles. TFACO was partial to Pater 6. On to our next brew. Long live the Monks!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sea Dog

Good evening fellow beer lovers! Tonight I want to post a short but sweet review of a beer I had the pleasure of sampling the other night. Sea Dog is a Wild Blueberry Wheat ale brewed in Maine. I found this to be very crisp tasting with a definate hint of blueberry. Along with hoppy beers, fruity beers are not one of my favorites but I must say for a fruity beer this wasn't bad. Would I buy this again? No I would not (and as a result would rate this a 3 out of 10) , but if you like beers that are fruity then I would tell you to give this one a try.

Well the fire is calling and I am enjoying a St. Rogue Red Ale. A review will be forthcoming at a later date!

Until next time.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Philly Beer Week

I was just scanning the net and came across . Every day and every event looks pretty good, but one thing stood out. Saturday, March 14 at 5:00 there is Revolution was brewing! Ales and recipes of Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin! It takes place at City Tavern at 5:00. It's four courses and four ales from Yard's for $45. We could check out some good beer, eat some food, and learn a little history too. We could even hit the event before, the Troeggs brewing event at Good Dog Bar, which looks to be nearby.

Tell me what you think. Check out the website, there is a ton a info about stuff happening that week.

Glasses up!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Clipper City Winter Storm

Hopefully there will be no objection to chicks chiming in and reviewing beers.
Although I am a female, I love beer. Good beer. Cold crisp beer on hot summer days, and
full bodied malty beers in front of a roaring fire.
That being said, I loved this beer. Its made by Clipper City Brewing Co in Baltimore MD.
The brewing company says, "it has a full ruby hue, vivid malty flavor with an earthy hop aroma.
The alcohol content is 7.5% and the price is $30-35/case.
If your having a party and want a beer that will be loved by all, I say this is your beer.
It was absolutely delicious with little hop but full of flavor. I could have drunk many of these.
Particulrly with spicy kicked up food. I give this beer 8.5/10 stars!
Drink on!

Traquair House Ale

My fellow Bloggers I gotta tell you, this is some GOOD stuff!! This particular beer was actually gifted to me by my BIL, Beermehaenn in a variety six pack.

Traquair is described as a handmade ale brewed in the ancient brew house of the oldest inhabited house in Scotland.

The alcohol content is 7.2% and color is dark brown with a pleasing aroma. I can say without hesitation, I loved this from the very first sip. Much to my delight there was no trace of hops whatsoever. The flavor can be described more as mild and malty with a mildly sweet aftertaste. This is one that I would deem caseworthy (although I have no idea what it would cost but will try and find out and post). I would rate this an 8 out 10 stars!!

Thanks Pete for the brew and I look foward to sampling the rest of the selections in the six pack and posting my thoughts.

Until next time.......

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fordam Tavern Ale

I was a little confused when I got this beer. Initially, I wrongly assumed that the beer was from Fordham, NY. As I was putting it in the fridge to chill, I read the box. It went on and on about some sea captian who wanted to throw down a pint, blah, blah, Annapolis. So, as I was loading the bottles into the fridge, I checked the label for it's ABV. Nothing was listed, but I noticed that it said that it was brewed in...Dover, DE! I was confused. But not as much as after I had downed three or four of them and watched the clock tick down on the Eagles season. Did McNabb really throw that many passes at his receivers' ankles? Behind their backs? Did the receivers really miss the ones that McNabb threw right at their chests? Where was this mystery beer from, really? Was this beer the bad luck that brought the Eagles down?

Let me backtrack for a bit. Ok, I step out of the shower and am just about ready to watch the game with Jake, Steph, the whole crew. I quickly shave. Quickly. I don't know if you can do anything really quickly, as if quickly isn't quick enough, but I did. I hacked away the skin just under my nose, bleeding out maybe a pint a blood from a pinhole nick. Jake and Steph and the kids arive. I tried furiously to apply pressure, to no avail. The blood keeps coming. I greet them as I'm now giving up on tissue paper and grabbing for a towel. I'm trying to get appetizers ready, bleeding, checking to make sure the beer is cold, shaking hands, go Eagles, bleeding. I ask Jake, as if any asking needs to be done, if he wants a beer. He's looking at me like I walked out of a horror movie. We grab a beer, sit down.

The bleeding from under my nose stops just at the point when I also stop bleeding green, about my fourth beer. The Eagles season is toast, my kids are running around crying, tired, and acting like they're the ones who have had too much to drink. Jake and I ponder the beer. He's says the beer is pretty good. I think this beer is bad luck, from the Eagles losing, to my razor scrape bleeding like a slaughtered farm animal, to the mystery of where this beer is actually from.

But then I think of the price. I only bought a six-pack. It cost about $7. I try to do 7 times 4 in my head to get a figure for the case. I try again. I keep coming up blank. Then I realize that there is a calculator in the junk drawer, one on my cell phone, even one on the computer. I take out the calculator and plug in 7 x 4. It tells me 28. I'm not convinced. Next comes the cell phone, then the computer. They all tell me the same number, 28. So, 28 bucks it is.

For the price, Fordham Tavern Ale is pretty good. When I thought of all the bad luck throughout the day, I thought that this FTA was about just as good as some Budweiser Pisshole Select. But I made the mistake of letting my misfortunes ruin a decent beer, even blaming the beer at times.

All in all, The Fordham Tavern Ale was pretty good, considering the price, and despite the fact that I couldn't make out where this beer actually was produced. I don't actually care if a beer comes from Fordham, Ny, Annapolis, MD, or Dover, DE as long as it tastes good. And it did. And for 28 dollars a case, it tasted damn good. Bang for the buck, that's what matters. There are plenty of beers at that price point that I gladly skip over and gladly pay up to the next ten dollar range. This Fordham mystery beer I'll do again. Just not when the Eagles are in the NFC championship game.

3 stars, maybe 3.5 considering the price point.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Welcome fellow beer lovers. This is my first official post. I am a man of few written words but I will try and post at least once a week (if not occasionally more).

So let me segue to my thoughts on Smuttynose IPA. The scene is as follows: raging fire going while sipping a cold and frothy glass of Smuttynose. This was a bringover from my brother-in-law and fellow blogger, Pete. I had no expectations prior to my first sip but for full disclosure I am not a big fan of IPAs. So my thoughts (and please keep in mind these are just my personal tastes and I appreciate and respect that some might feel differently) are that all in all its a good quality beer. Its a little hoppy with a hint of fruity aftertaste which may somewhat balance out the hoppiness. It's amber in color with a modest alcohol content. That being said, I am not a huge fan of hopped up beers so while I thought this beer was satisfactory and would easily reccomend, personally its just not one of my favorites. I believe price wise its in the $35 range.

On that note, I will sign off, and return to my cold beer and add another log to the fire. Keep warm and always remember to just "SAY NO TO CRAP BEER".

See you next time. Jake

St. Bernardus

I picked up a case at the Beer Yard and I am breaking it out tonite. Has anyone tried it before? It is supposed to be exceptional.
P.S. I bought the case w/a gift certificate. Its a little steep....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Is there any BAD Flying Fish beer?

That's a serious question. To date, I've had the Grand Cru, the Summer Ale, and the Belgian style. All have been delicious. I'm willing to give all the brews from Flying Fish a try, unless someone can tell me any that isn't good. It seems the guys from Jersey know what they are doing. As much as I love some of the other local breweries, Flying Fish is growing on me. Troeggs makes the Mad Elf, which at the moment is my number one favorite winter beer, and their pale ale is pretty good. However, a few of their others have fallen short. Victory has the Golden Monkey, an excellent ale. And there lager is very good, too. But, again, the Pils was unimpressive. Flying Fish seems to be the jack of all trades, and maybe, just maybe, the master of all too.

Let me know if you've had any from Flying Fish that didn't cut it.

Glasses up!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Troeggs Mad Elf

This is a delicious cherry/honey flavored holiday ale. It packs a punch both in terms of alcohol content and price, weighing in at 11% abv and $60/case. The price of this beer went up nearly twenty bucks per case in just one year. The good news is that since this isn't any kind of guzzling beer, the case should last you slightly longer than usual. It's the perfect beer for a cold winter night next to a warm fire. A sipping beer, for sure. Very tasty. Very smooth. I give it 5 stars.


Welcom to Beer! In here, only the select few can post about good beer, make recommendations on beers to try, and warn others about crap to stay away from. Jake and I have been talking for some time now about compiling a list of quality beer, or making some sort of ranking system, or some such thing. We've tried many different beers together, but sometimes the the name of the beer, the brewer, the style gets forgotten. With your input, we'll be able to eventually come up with the perfect beer for the perfect occasion during the perfect season.

Glasses up,