Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gouden Carolus Tripel

This is a Belgian Blonde Ale from a Belgian brewery that's been around since 1369. That's 123 years BEFRORE Columbus "discovered" the "new" world. When I saw that date on the bottle, well, you know the stakes are high for this brewery. Even a simplteon taster like me would have stratosphere-level expectations for a brewery around long enough not to have any excuses for a perfectly crafted beer. A pretty good beer, for sure. Here's the tale of the tape: smooth and crisp, a little bubbly, more malty than hop tasting, 9% abv, cloudy-golden in color. Given the exorbitant price, I doubt I'd purchase this beer again. Unless I'm in a bar having one with dinner. Unless Jake buys me a case for my birthday. But such is the beauty of Total Wine: I only had to buy one. And while it was a good beer, certainly in the upper-echelon of beers, I don't know if I could justify getting it again when there are A) plenty of other beers to try, and B) beers that are just as good if not better for 30 bucks less.

ps: Does that beer goggles guy still write on this blog?

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