Friday, February 20, 2009

Weyerbacher Old Heathen

I've got Jake's kids coming over for a sleepover tonight. It's a been a blustery, winter day and the wood pile is running low. There is enough, though, to make a roaring one now. And there is an imperial stout waiting, cold, in the fridge to be tasted, to be written about. I've told you already about Weyerbacher. This company from Easton, PA makes some good beers. I recently bought a mixed-case of their "big beers". This imperial stout has 8% ABV. It both smells and tastes sweet. The first sip reveals a cherry chocolate flavor. The aftertaste doesn't hang on long, lingering with only a slight bitter. Like all stouts, its dark due is evident. This is a pretty good beer, and that's saying something as I'm not much for stouts. Maybe this Weyebacher will make me rethink that stance. This is a very good, winter brew. It's got enough ummph to ward off the winter chill, enough substance and flavor to satisfy.

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