Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mattdav in the house!

Yo. Mattdav in the house. I am all out of beer, but let me just say one thing. Harpoon is good. I am not sure it gets the credit it deserves.

I recently consumed a Harpoon sampler case....which had 6 Summer Beers....very summery. Smooth....sort of like a Corona-ish feel....

Also, it had 6 IPA's--which, if I had to....I could live off of for several days....without water or food.

It also had 6 Brown Ales which pretty much are filler in the case....and then the UFO Hefeweizen which I think was my 2nd favorite after the IPA.
Next time, I promise to put a little more thought into my posts, and more humor.
I need to buff up on the terms "hoppy" and "non-hoppy" and "wintery" and "summery" and all of the other assorted beer terminologies. That way, I can hang with the big dogs...
Its going to be hard for me not to just get the same case as it ended up ranking a 85%....solid B.
Mattdav out until the next case run.


  1. Good work, MattDav and welcome to the blog. As you'll soon see, your posts will be read by the thousands.
    Looking forward to many more posts from you.
