Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flying Dog! Snake Dog IPA and eating a moth

I swear to god, the following just happened to me, Matt the Mitzvah.

Scene: Eating with my wife Helen, and kids... Leftover slice of pepperoni pizza. Consumed.
Leftover pasta, heated up. Thoughts to self: "Better eat a salad fatty" - Organic spinach salad with bleu cheese, prepared.

Enter from scene right - Alexa's leg falls asleep, much crying and whimpering and distraction ensues. Discussion of Thanksgiving dinner shopping trips and portion amounts is occuring.
Lindsey is eating M & M's off of the table by licking them off. No beer in sight (as of yet)....just a Diet Coke.

Half of salad is now gone, half of pasta now gone.

Now be prepared for the following images if you are eating or about to eat.

This is what I see.

Seriously, I mixed this salad up a bit after putting the bleu cheese in....I may have consumed some sort of mummified moth particles. I immediately thought of alcohol, to cleanse my palate properly, and to take my mind off of ralphing.

This is when I grabbed the first beer I saw in the fridge, a recently purchased Snake Dog IPA

I rate this beer as "Very Drinkable", and it really did the trick to cleanse all moth particles from my mouth.

Not quite a Stone IPA, but pretty damn good.

More Flying Dog Ales to review in the coming weeks.

Matt the Mitzvah out


  1. I was chowing on rasberries a month ago and about 6-7 rasberries in I came across a stink bug. Rasberries are expensive, but you better believe I threw the rest of them out. Nasty! Sadly, I didn't have a tasty brew to help rinse out my mouth!

  2. Kelly? How'd you get on here? Doesn't matter. It's just good to have you here. Anyway, this is a blog about beer (sometimes the blog name throws people off), not rasberries. So, you're homework in the next little bit of time is to go out and get yourself some tasty beer and blog about it here. That shouldn't be too much torture for you, right?
