Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stone IPA versus Titan IPA

I am really getting into the IPA world. God they are so good.
My one buddy Scott was always talking up Stone IPA and I finally found a case at a Chestnut Hill spot, which I will definitely be back to. I had my first Stone a couple of weeks back, and am now just finishing up the case....many assists from a PSU party about 2 weeks ago.

Also, picked up a 6 pick at the new Wegmans in Collegevile...which is very strong, as you can actually buy 6 packs and fohty's...lots of specialty craftage over there. So, I thought I would setup a friendly war between the two.

Ok, now for the results. Stone wins stone cold over Titan.

I am not quite sure why this Great Divide Brew from Denver, Colorado was destroyed so handily in this flava contest, perhaps it was the piney hop aromas or the citrus hop flavas. Or, maybe it was the rich malty sweetness? For more info, they brew a ton of beers and you can check out

Maybe the answer can be found by closely analyzing the Stone IPA. First, the gargoyle logo is very strong. It prepares you to be unprepared. Who knows what tastes should be associated with gargoyleness?

It is very hoppy with mega hoppy smells. But, it is smooth at the same time. That is the feat that many IPA's cannot accomplish. Who just wants bitter unless it tastes good? They claim to have a medium malt flavor...and Titan was rich malty sweetness.

I guess my buds want medium.

So, if you like IPA's, definitely get some Stone Cold Steve Austin IPA at your local friendly beer meister and Remember to stay away from The Titans.


  1. Great post, mitzvah. Stone IPA is a good one. Never had the Titan, and don't think I will after losing so badly in the smackdown. Too many other good beers out there, no time for the bad ones.

    Stone IPA also comes in cans, which is making a huge comeback. Lots of brewers are going back to canning because of the new developments in canning freshness. They seemed to have gotten rid of the tinny taste and captured more the tap taste.

  2. Great Divide is a strong brewery. The Oak Aged Yeti is a must for all beer geeks
