Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I've been really digging all the Oktoberfests out now. They're a little heavier than summer beers, a little lighter than winter brews. They seem to be a perfect seasonal transition beer. This brewery has been around since 1417! I'm sure this family recipe is hidden in some vault somewhere in Germany. I can't pronounce the name of this company, even sober. Whatever. It doesn't matter. This brewer has had all of about 600 years to get this right. They don't disappoint. It pours deep amber with about a finger width's head. It's malty and creamy tasting, finishing nicely. I'd give it a B on the report card, maybe B+ with a nice meal that compliments well. Here's a good one: have six of these beers, then try to pronounce it aloud. That too easy for you? Try saying it five-times fast. Give this beer a try before fall runs out, and with it, the Oktoberfest beers.

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