Monday, February 23, 2009

Weyerbacher Merry Monks

This is a Belgian style golden ale with 9.3 ABV. Mmmmm. Wow, mmmm! Good, smooth, and tasty. There are some citrus hints in this that add nicely to the complexity. No bitter after, or during, taste. I'm not sure if Weyerbacher only puts this out during the winter holiday season, but I'd buy it in the summer, spring, fall, whenever. I'm not exactly sure of the price of this one, as it came in a sample case, but whatever the cost, it's a keeper. If I recall correctly, I think Jake (does he post here anymore, or am I just writing this for myself?) and I had this one time when we were camping. It may have been last Memorial Day. And like I said, it was good when the weather was warm, even good while our shoes were covered with mud and we were fighting off mosquitoes. Right now, I have this beer poured into an ale goblet. It looks like it should: golden-copper color, the head sitting just slightly on top around the edges, just opaque enough to see into the middle of the glass but not through to the other side. And with a name like Merry Monks, it tastes like it should too.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weyerbacher Old Heathen

I've got Jake's kids coming over for a sleepover tonight. It's a been a blustery, winter day and the wood pile is running low. There is enough, though, to make a roaring one now. And there is an imperial stout waiting, cold, in the fridge to be tasted, to be written about. I've told you already about Weyerbacher. This company from Easton, PA makes some good beers. I recently bought a mixed-case of their "big beers". This imperial stout has 8% ABV. It both smells and tastes sweet. The first sip reveals a cherry chocolate flavor. The aftertaste doesn't hang on long, lingering with only a slight bitter. Like all stouts, its dark due is evident. This is a pretty good beer, and that's saying something as I'm not much for stouts. Maybe this Weyebacher will make me rethink that stance. This is a very good, winter brew. It's got enough ummph to ward off the winter chill, enough substance and flavor to satisfy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot

First taste is sweet, malty. Then a slight bitter kicks in with the aftertaste. This is a barley-wine style ale. 11.1% abv! Yikes! I don't think I've ever had a barley-wine beer, that I can recall. And I have to say, I was a little apprehensive about trying this kind of beer. I was talking to my beer guy at Waywood Beverage and told him I wanted a sample case that had some kind of belgian style ale in it. He has gotten pretty good at knowing what I like, and pointed me toward a sample of Weyebachers. Merry Monks? Sounds good. Old Heathen Imperial Stout? Sounds good. Simcoe Double IPA? Sounds good. Blithering Idiot? Name sounds good. But Barley-wine ale? I was just about to move on to another maker, different kinds of beers, when I thought, why not? That's the purpose of the is blog, BEER!, anyway. Try new stuff, provide a little write up so the others get some kind of idea about it. I'm glad I gave this beer a chance. It's surprsingly good. There is nothing surprising at all about Weyebacher being good. I've had the Merry Monks before, and it's a quality beer. But this barley-wine style ale was a nice surprise. I'll get this one again. With its high ABV, it's a sipper, no doubt. There is a quality to this beer that is a little different that I can't quite put my finger on. But, I like it. It's a quality winter ale.

I'll give an update soon on the others in the case that I mentioned. Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gouden Carolus Tripel

This is a Belgian Blonde Ale from a Belgian brewery that's been around since 1369. That's 123 years BEFRORE Columbus "discovered" the "new" world. When I saw that date on the bottle, well, you know the stakes are high for this brewery. Even a simplteon taster like me would have stratosphere-level expectations for a brewery around long enough not to have any excuses for a perfectly crafted beer. A pretty good beer, for sure. Here's the tale of the tape: smooth and crisp, a little bubbly, more malty than hop tasting, 9% abv, cloudy-golden in color. Given the exorbitant price, I doubt I'd purchase this beer again. Unless I'm in a bar having one with dinner. Unless Jake buys me a case for my birthday. But such is the beauty of Total Wine: I only had to buy one. And while it was a good beer, certainly in the upper-echelon of beers, I don't know if I could justify getting it again when there are A) plenty of other beers to try, and B) beers that are just as good if not better for 30 bucks less.

ps: Does that beer goggles guy still write on this blog?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pranqster - Belgian Style Golden Ale

Wow! Good stuff. Really Good Stuff. This a Belgian style golden ale from North Coast Brewing Company in California. Think 75% Ommegang and 25% Golden Monkey. That's exactly what this tasted and looked like. If you could take the 75% best from the stuff in Ommegang and 25% the best stuff from the Golden Monkey, you'd have this beer. At $55 a case, it's well worth it. This is one of the best Belgian Style Ales I've had in a while. This is the stuff that you'd take to a deserted island. You know the scenario, you're stuck on an island, away from civilization for the forseeable future, you can only take one item with you. You think your favorite cd, you think your favorite food, you think your favorite tv show. Well, you'd be thinking wrong. For god's sakes, you are stuck, like a slug on a piece of dried wood on a sweltering summer day, on an island that would make the contestants from survivor shake with fear, and you're not thinking Pranqster? Like I said, you're not thinking. And I don't care if that case of Praqster you brought with you is warm. It's still good and will make the time on this desolate island, uninhabited with everything exept lizards and mosquitoes, fly by like you are floating on a raft at a pool in Marguritaville. Seriously good stuff. Ok, I've waxed ridiculous long enough.

Jake, this is your kind of beer. I have about 3/4 case left. I suggest you try to link up with me in the next little while to get your hands on one of these.

Glasses up for Praqster!