Monday, December 28, 2009

Thomas Hooker Nor'Easter

The Thomas Hooker Nor' Easter got lost in the beer grabbag for a bit. Hooker Beer manufactures this mediocre Winter Lager. It is 6%, pours with a mega head, and initially tastes like everyone's favorite of yesterday, Yuengling.

It differs from Yuengling in the following beer departments:

  • More alcohol
  • From CT, not PA
  • Malty and wintery spices, not the subtle caramel Lagery goodness
  • not a heavy drinking night kind of beer

I am sitting here and blogging and drinking, and just can't really say much more about this beer.

I guess it is just a solid beer, but not one to remember. If it was cheaper by the case, I think I would reconsider it....but on just the merits of a taste it gets a Drinkable rating and a 81/100.

Mitzvah mofo out

Sunday, December 27, 2009

where are the people of the blog?

I haven't seen Jake recently (I'll see him tomorrow) Brendan (saw him tonight) on the blog recentley. Do they drink beer anymore? And what about the phantom poster Riggy? And what about that gal Kelly from out of nowhere? I have some beers lined up for the blog, ripe for the posting. Stay tuned.
Just wondering where these peeps are hiding.
Let your voices be heard. This blog is dying a slow death.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Noel Des Geants

Seeing as it's Christmas Eve, I thought this beer would be apropo. I came upon this at the store the other day and decided I had to give it a try. This is a Belgian Ale weighing in at 8.5%. Not a bad brew, not bad at all. I have no idea the cost of a case. I only purchased a single bottle for $2.99. The label on this is nicely done. And I know you can't judge a book by the cover and all, but I have to admit I was attracted to it. This beer is brewed in the medieval castle of Irchonwelz in Ath, Belgium. That's got to count for something, right? Overall, I enjoyed the beer. It was smooth and sweet. I'd rate it a solid 7 out of ten.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

at least 5 more beers to drink...and here they are...

Fade to Black, by Left Hand Brewing Company in Longmont, Colorado

This is an ale. Like Pete the Protein shake said, probably won't like it.

Next up, Lagunitas Brown Shugga - Sweet Release 9.54% ABV Petaluma, California - another Ale, crap!

Weyerbacher's 1995-2009 FOURTEEN ALE, 11.8 % ABV....a wheat wine ale. I think I might be pouring several of these out...hope not.

Midas Touch, a handcrafted ancient ale 9%, with barley, honey, white muscat grapes & saffron\

and lastly, Southern Tier's Old Man Winter Ale, Lakewood NY

Probably will start drinking soon, why not?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hibernation Ale by The Great Divide

Another Great Divide beer, and another slight disappointment.

While this Hibernation Ale was eminently "drinkable", I just couldn't quite get into the Christmas spirit with this English-Style Old Ale.....even though it was dry hopped.

It must have been the malty richness that didn't quite do it for me. 8.1% ABV is strong though.

A rating of 74/100, and I would not buy a case of it.

Also, I would rather just stay in hibernation.

Matt the Menorah out (and now I can throw away all of these beer bottles!! lol)

Boulder Beer Company - Hazed and Infused

I keep getting older, and this beer stays the same age. Allright allright! What a great movie, and now a beer named after it. Hazed and Infused, is another dry hopped ale....which I previously notated that I tend to like. I detected a bit of caramel in the beer, and have already drank both (last week) in the case.

I would tend to favor Stone IPA over Hazed and Infused, but it is very drinkable.

It can help wash out the barf out of your mouth, in case you just sampled a Troeg's Mad Elf.

Also, my teeth felt great after drinking it, which must mean there is some hidden flouride in there.

All in all, a 85 of 100 possible drinking points.

Matt the Meatball out

The Mad Elf Ale, brewed with honey and cherries

Beer Advocate gives it a B+, I give it a Barf Plus.

Honey and cherries are just not my thing I guess, in Troegs Brewing Companies' "The Mad Elf" concoction.

I didn't even bother to finish it. The only thing of note, is the 11% alc/volume, and it's local Harrisburgian heritage. Other then that, if served at a party, I would rather drink water.

Mattdav the Mitzvite out.

Another eagerly anticipated beer.... simply by the name, Gritty McDuff's Christmas Ale

Just look at this happy ass Santa! Simply the name had me at hello. An even closer look at this gritty Santa on the label, made this beer the next most anticipated of the 12.

I am currently drinking and posting...and I am pleased with the smoothness of this Ale.

Gritty McDuff's Christmas Ale - from their own website:
Our Christmas Ale is a robust E.S.B. (Extra Special Bitter) full of holiday cheer. Christmas Ale has a lovely, dark red/amber color and a rich, full-bodied, malty taste with a slightly roasted undertone. We brew our Christmas Ale to an original gravity of 1064 (about 6.2% alcohol by volume) using only the finest English Pale and Crystal Malts, with a touch of Roasted Barley as well. A blend of Clusters, Styrian Goldings, Saaz and Yakima Goldings leaf hops round out this hearty brew. Gritty's Christmas Ale has no additives, fruits or spices.

I am not sure I would buy a whole case, but it ranks right behind Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale in terms of flava, but again, it does NOT OVERDO IT!

Drinkable. Get a sixer. Not AI though.

Matt the Mitzvah

My favorite so far....Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale!!

Not sure why the top of this bottle was cut off, but deal with it! This was one of my first beers of the 12 Holiday beers. Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale is a must drink of the holiday season. Not only is a damn good thirst quenching type beer, but it is flavorful enough (but not over the top like some others) I don't want my beers to taste like I am sucking down my Christmas tree water. While it appears from the website as they have not won an award for a while...I will rank it as very drinkable, and a 88 of 100. Matt the Mitzvah approved. Also, it is dry hopped, which my tongue seems to be favoring these days. Give it a drink. Now. Matt the Mitzvah out P.S. I would also buy a whole case of this, its that good.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I just got a case of beer, with 12 different beers.

And will be drinking and reviewing each one this month. It is going to be interesting, as there are a lot of different types and flavors....I promise Matt the Mitzvah will be back in force!