Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I've been really digging all the Oktoberfests out now. They're a little heavier than summer beers, a little lighter than winter brews. They seem to be a perfect seasonal transition beer. This brewery has been around since 1417! I'm sure this family recipe is hidden in some vault somewhere in Germany. I can't pronounce the name of this company, even sober. Whatever. It doesn't matter. This brewer has had all of about 600 years to get this right. They don't disappoint. It pours deep amber with about a finger width's head. It's malty and creamy tasting, finishing nicely. I'd give it a B on the report card, maybe B+ with a nice meal that compliments well. Here's a good one: have six of these beers, then try to pronounce it aloud. That too easy for you? Try saying it five-times fast. Give this beer a try before fall runs out, and with it, the Oktoberfest beers.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where's that bloger that calls himself "6 pack" at????

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beer Review - Corona!!!!

Hey, Matt the Mitzvah here!!

Thanks for the shoutouts for my sophisticated beer rating system, as well as my photo posting capabilities. I love the video work, very nice!

Now, let's talk about beer.

I finally feel well qualified to discuss this beer, after now consuming an estimated 24,007 of them (lifetime).

This equals 1000 cases, plus 7.

From the website,

The unmistakable color.

The one-of-a-kind taste.

The unparalleled flavor of relaxation.

I really like that. "flavor of relaxation"

I definitely equate many Summer memories with relaxation and a cold Corona. Drinking up life. Relaxing with a Corona. It never disappoints me. It's always there for me. I could be walking through a distributor and racking my brain trying to figure out what to get, and yet my Corona calls to me, "I am right here buddy". It is right there for me. Always. And forever.

With a lime, or without a lime. Always "very drinkable". Other beers may come and go, but my Corona is going to be there.
Mattdav the Mitzvah out

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weyerbacher "Blanche" wit beer

Another video about another fine beer. (click link!!)
this is a wit beer and is very light in color and taste. Very low in aol content probably around 5%. Taste is described as a hint of fruit and that's why i think i like it so much. I would rate it as "very drinkable"

Rogue Smoke Ale

Another good one from Rogue. I wasn't so sure about the "smoke" ale, but decided to give it a try. According to Rogue: Style: Rauchbier Food Pairing: Pork, Beef
Tasting Notes:
A German style Rauchbier with an orange-amber hue, a delicate smoke aroma and flavor, with an intense hop finish.

12 Ingredients:
Malts: Great Western Harringon, Klages, Munich & Hugh Baird Crystal, Carastan 30-37 & 13-17, Chuck’s Alderwood Smoked Munich and Smoked Bamberg Beechwood.
Hops: Saaz and Perle.
Yeast & Water: Rogue’s Pacman Yeast & Free Range CoastalWater.
14.5º PLATO
48 IBU
76 AA
20.6º Lovibond
World Class Package:
Draft, 22oz Bottle
This was a damn good beer. Not surprised at all, as the Rogue crew seems to always put out good ones. I was a little leery of the "intense hop finish", but this one went down smooth and sweet. There was a hop finish, but not strong, not intense. In fact, it was balanced perfectly. I highly recommend this beer. Really good. And they have awards out the ying-yang to back it up. Check it out:

2008 World Beer Championships—Gold
2007 Australian International Beer Awards—Bronze
2006 U.S. Beer Tasting Championships—Pacific NW Champ
2006 New Zealand Intl. Beer Awards—Silver
2008 New Zealand International Beer Awards—Bronze2007 Australian International Beer Awards—Bronze2006 U.S. Beer Tasting Championships—Pacific NW Champ2006 New Zealand International Beer Awards—Silver2006 World Beer Championships—Silver2005 International Beer Comp (London)—Gold2005 World Beer Championships—Silver2004 Festival of Barrel Aged Beer—Gold2003 Australian International Beer Awards—Silver2002 World Beer Cup—Champ2002 World Beer Championships—Silver2000 GABF—Silver2000 World Beer Cup—Bronze1999 World Beer Championships—Silver1999 North American Beer Awards—Bronze1999 Colorado State Fair—3rd1998 World Beer Cup—Gold1998 GABF—Silver1998 World Beer Championships—Silver1998 Colorado State Fair—Gold1997 GABF—Gold1997 North American Brewer’s Assoc.—Bronze1996 GABF—Gold1996 World Beer Championships—Silver1996 Colorado State Fair—Gold1995 World Beer Championships—Gold1995 Colorado State Fair—Gold1994 World Beer Championships—Silver1993 GABF—Silver1992 GABF—Silver1991 GABF—Silver1990 GABF—Gold
Holy crap! I mean, holy crap! They must have a separate facility to house all the awards. Phelps has nothing on these guys.
When you get a chance, grab yourself some of this stuff. Delicious.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Stoudt's Octoberfest

This is a really good one. Stoudt's has done it again. These guys are doing something right. They should fly down to the Dominican Republic and teach the schleps at Presidente a thing or two about making beer. Using the new model of rating beer, I would give this one a "very drinkable". It was smooth and tasty all around. Honestly, it's one of the better octoberfrests I've had. I'm looking forward to trying more of their beers.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Presidente: revisited

So, I went to the Dominican Republic and this was the only beer they served. Each day, each sip, this piss got worse and worse. I ended up shitting out my guts for 8 days after I got home. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. I don't know what was worse, the acrid piss going down, or the lasers exploding from my ass. So, why the hell did you keep drinking it if it was so bad, you ask? I was scared to death to drink any of the water, that's why. And because the damn beach cabana hombre kept bringing them to me. And because they were free. There was some nasty-ass stuff in the Dominican Republic, everything from rotting houses, to people with rotting morals who stole from me, to people who told me they were going to take me on a tour of the resort only to ditch me and my kids with no ride home. But the Presidente takes the cake. I even bought a Presidente beer-opener-refrigerator magnet-thing, and the damn thing broke the very first time I used it. Don't buy this stuff. Ever! This stuff is cursed all around. If you drink it, you'll wish instantly that you were drinking cat piss instead. If you were stuck in a desert, with no water for days, were hot as all get out, had swamp ass, and blisters on your feet and a witch appeared out of thin air and offered you either an ice-cold Presidente or warm, curdled milk, you would take the curdled milk in a heartbeat. That's how freakin' bad this stuff is. Using Matt the Mitzvah's rating system, I'd rate this one as "septic sludge". I'm pretty sure "Fear Factor" went off the air b/c they ran out of stunts that would gross people out. They never thought of the Presidente. Had they known about it, you would have seen the contestants retching in the fetal position, puking up everything including their gall bladders, and hallucinating. That would have made for some good ratings. You want terrorists to give up credible information to help us counter the Taliban? Waterboarding? Hah! That's for sissies! All you gotta do is dangle the Presidente bottle in front of them and they'll start talking and crying and wailing for their mommies. You don't even need to open the bottle. I'm pretty sure if you gave me a home brewing kit with no directions or guidance of any sort, I could somehow manage to figure out how to make something better than this sock sweat. And that's on the very first try! I realize that I'm getting all kooky here, spewing ridiculous talk all around. But that's only because I care about you. I really do. I really and truly care about all five people on this blog, and that includes Zak. I can't stress enough to you how bad this beer is. Don't buy this stuff, not even as a prank to one of your old college buddies. That is just too cruel and over the line. Shave his eyebrow? Fine. Put an old, decaying fish in his air ducts? Fine. Put naked ladies on his power point presentation for work? Fine. Just don't give him any of this crap. You'll make an enemy real quick, a frothing, conniving, vengeful enemy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello beer drinking bloggers!!

It's time I step up to the blog mike, and oh boy do I with this one!

Anyone drank a He'Brew? For the Jews out there, this is the chosen beer (see pic below)

I saw a couple of these in my Dad's fridge, god knows how they got there....and I raided it!

2 He'Brews later, I rate this beer as "not a joke" or "very drinkable".

This is on the beer scale of:
Not drinkable
Very Drinkable

I do have other beer scales as well, to be introduced at a later date.

I know I am not much of the describer of flavors and tastes, but visit http://www.shmaltz.com/

I drank the Genesis Ale:

Our First Creation
Crisp, smooth and perfectly balanced between a west coast style pale and amber ale, with a supple malt sweetness and a pronounced hop flourish.
Malts: 2-row, Caramel 40L, Dark Crystal, Munich, Wheat
Hops: Warrior, Centennial, Cascade, Fuggle, Willamette

This company gets a lot of credit for their funny ass beer names.

The Rejewvenator is a 2009 addition to their other fine beers which also include the Jewbelation, and the Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah.

According to the site, their are some PA places to buy, so I will explore my Judaism and drink some beer, then dance the havanagila.

Matt the Mitzvah

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


check out the beer yard's web site at


looks like there's allot of beer for this fall that we have to try!!