This Mad Anthony's is an Erie Brewing Co. creation. A glance at the label shows a picture of Brigadier General Anthony Wayne looking a little, well, mad. This isn't the heaviest of hitters in terms of alcohol content, but then again, I'm not sure APAs are supposed to be "big beers". It weighed in at 5.5%. A first taste revealed some sweetness. After the swallow, some bitter kicks in. I thought it tasted nicely balanced. I went onto the website and they have a Mad Anthony's bottle on a meter. One side they have "malty" and the other side of the meter says "hoppy". This beer fell dead center on the meter. So, I was right, I knew what I was tasting. My beer tasting connoisser rating just went up. Previously, I might have considered myself a 1/10. Pretty sure I've catapulted to level 2. Anyway, it you haven't been on their website, check it out. The meter on each beer is pretty cool. It makes shopping for your style pretty easy. The beer itself wasn't bad. I'd do it again. Wouldn't mind trying a bunch of their brews, actually. This beer certainly isn't at the top of my list. Doesn't come close to cracking top 10. Not even close to the bottom, either. Like I said, not bad.
My Mad Antony's APA beer pairing recommendations:
-would go nicely with a springtime game of horseshoes
-would blend perfectly with the atmosphere in your buddy's basement playing a few rounds of biliards
also try this beer with:
a football tailgate or a nice game of poker
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