Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sam Adams Summer Ale

Hello beer people!!

Just had Sam Adams summer Ale this fine weekend. This is a great beer with no after taste. Very smooth and NO trace of hops. I'm not sure of the cost, I would guess under $40.00. A great price for a great summer beer!!

cold one

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Post Script: Affligem

Went to the beer store today to buy a case...and to check out the price of Affligem. $40 a case! When I saw the price, I thought there was a misprint. I also thought that I better get a case fast before someone in the store realizes that they made a huge mistake and gets fired. Went to the register fully expecting the guy to say it was 80 bucks or so. All was good at checkout. $40! I spend 40 dollars for a case of beer that I think is pretty good. But, for Allfigem Blonde Ale? Steal of the century! This case will be going camping with me for sure. This beer might become a staple in my beer fridge.

A funny aside: The lady behind me asked the guy to bring a case of Icehouse or something to the register. When the guy rung up my purchase, she goes, "there must be some kind of magic in that beer!". I turned to her, said, "what do you mean?". She goes on to tell me that she could never imagine buying a 40 dollar case of beer. I told her it was pretty good stuff. She says that she could buy two cases for that price. I thought about telling her that this case probably had twice the alcohol content, or that it was at least three times as good, but thought better of it and just left it as it was. I didn't even care. I was just so excited that this beer didn't cost 80 dollars.

So, there you have it. Affligem Blonge Ale = $40. It doesn't get much better than that.

Jake, we'll be enjoying some Affligem fireside at the campsite this weekend. Oh, and since we're going to a private campground, I'll be bringing the goblets. No need to drink out of plastic cups for this beer.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pilsner Urquell

Hi to all beer lovers!

Just got done sipping a pilsner from Czech. I must say It was pretty good. A very crisp taste from a glass and I included a lime for a little extra taste! I don't know if I would buy a case, but definitely a 6 pack.

cold one

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

back at it

I'm back after a minor problem. Ready to post about good summer beers

cold one

P.S. "thanks beer me" for the help!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Widmer Hefeweizen

It's almost summer. It's time to switch gears and get into the summer stuff. I had the pleasure of tasting Widmer's Hefeweizen today while grilling. I'd never heard of this brewer before today. The Widner Bros. are out of Portland, OR. It seems like there are some good brews popping up in that part of the country lately. Must be the water out there. This Widmer Hefeweizen was pretty good. It was affordable and tasted pretty much what you would expect a decent Hef to taste like. Not bad at all. I'd do it again for a summer beer.

Affligem Blond

This beer is incredible. Time for a Cold one and I went to Total wine today to pick out some sampler beers. I was lucky enough to get this one. Unfreakinreal, this stuff. It's got the Belgian taste, like you would expect. But, it's got that extra something that you can't put your finger on that makes this beer so good. It had the Belgian blond taste plus some slight sparkle, champagne-like. It was light and refreshing and flavorful and delicious all in one bottle, all in one sip. Time for a Cold One and I were talking, wishful thinking-style, about going to Belgium on a trip to check out some of the Abbeys. Well, I think I found the spot where I'd be parked for the duration of the trip. Whoever is in charge of this brewery, whoever has been in charge since 1074AD, deserves a raise. Seriously, this stuff is quality in a bottle. I'd give it 12 out of 10 stars!

I'll get back later about how much a case of this stuff costs. I'm betting it's pretty pricey, maybe in the 80 dollar range. But, with the right company, for the right occasion...